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Our Accreditation Programme is designed to improve access to best practice pre-trial services in line with our National Standards

The Bluestar Pre-Trial Accreditation is a three-day programme to assess an organisations readiness to deliver pre-trial therapy and support service users through a case note request as part of an investigative process. This interactive three-day onsite evaluation can be offered as an assessment to meet the Bluestar Accreditation Standards or as a supportive process that will equip you with knowledge and resources to deliver a pre-trial therapy and support service according to the Bluestar National Best Practice Standards.

The programme includes a desktop audit of policy and practice, a case note audit, and interviews with staff, service users and partner organisations. Services are provided with a bespoke evaluation report and up to three Professional Consultations after the Accreditation to assist with embedding the recommendations. The accreditation is designed to support organisations delivering pre-trial therapy to victims and families within the criminal justice process regardless of offence type.

You can read more about the accreditation and what to expect in our Bluestar Accreditation Leaflet

£3,800, in-person 3-day visit, evaluation report, 3 follow-up consultations

To book
Please contact bluestarproject@the-green-house.org.uk

Accreditation Leaflet